A significant has occured in the Order. separate First, Second, and Third Degrees are no more. They, along with the "secrecy" surrounding them, have been exchanged for a single, Admission, Formation, and Knighthood Exemplification --which is performed in front of family and friends--hopefully to include a Mass. The new ceremony (without a Mass) should take just over 30 minutes.
A video example of the new Exemplification is included below, along with a link to a Q&A to help address any concerns you may have.
Supreme Knight Carl Anderson discusses the need for change in detail in the video. Please view the video with an open mind and know THIS change is vital to the health of the Order moving forward.
Here is the link to the new Exemplification of Charity, Unity & Fraternity: https://vimeo.com/374081431/eed24d18e9?fbclid=IwAR1lfvA1A7BptwcuDSq9VT9ofQrvrAG2EW8BHBv5YJeT6eCObaWqw5noPdQ
Some of your questions may be answered by reviewing the Frequently Asked Questions prepared by Supreme: https://files.constantcontact.com/716460b3001/a7751b41-6029-47b6-bfee-e61b6c7a366e.pdf
If you have any questions, please contact Grand Knight Patrick Okoronkwo or Financial Secretary Roger Williams.