SK Edward (Sonny) Masso

SK Edward (Sonny) Masso

SK Edward (Sonny) Masso

  • Pope John Paul II Council 4522
  • 4329 Sano Street Alexandria, VA 22312
  • 571-531-0361

Sonny Masso serves our Knights of Columbus Chapter 4522 as its Advocate and Lecturer. Sonny converted to Catholicism in 2015 along with his late Mother, Katie.

A Navy veteran, Sonny hails from San Clemente, California and enjoys everything related to the beach, sun, and warm weather. He is an avid fan of the Ole Miss Rebels (his alma mater) and all Los Angeles Sports teams.

He and his black Labrador, Loki, reside in Alexandria, very close to Queen of Apostles.

Alongside his children and grandson, he considers his Catholic conversion the most significant achievement of his life.